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Poster per l'evento intitolato "ELLE Active! 2023 - La nuova leadership al femminile"

ELLE Active! 2023 - The new female leadership

04 November 2023
Poster per l'evento intitolato "ELLE Active! 2023 - La nuova leadership al femminile"

4th and 5th November 2023
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

ELLE Active is a large free event open to all, designed to offer inspiration, networking opportunities, training, and above all concrete tools to improve the work life of women (and men). A window on the jobs of the future and the opportunities to seize. Two days with Elle journalists alongside professors from the Catholic University, exceptional speakers, and collaborators and partners. An opportunity for training, sharing, and dialogue involving all social parties. Institutions, businesses, women's associations, businesswomen and professionals, coaches, role models, users. One-on-one meetings with mentors from the most important Italian women's associations, practical advice, simulations, aptitude tests, and personalized consultations to improve one's professional life. The theme of the 2023 edition of the forum is THE NEW FEMALE LEADERSHIP . The pandemic and recent social and environmental phenomena have brought new values to the forefront and changed our relationship with work. Trust, freedom, care, well-being, flexibility, solidarity are the words that outline a new organizational vocabulary. Soft skills are back at the center, more relevant than titles and roles for leading or participating in work groups. It is a feminine leadership style that will guide the professions of the future. And it is a new opportunity that is emerging for the affirmation of women in the world of work.

The speakers

Marta Brambilla
SAP HR Talent Attraction Consultant, EMEA South
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Valentina Bresciani
Recruiting Manager Smart Infrastructure, Siemens S.p.A.
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Viviana Callea
Engineer and Professional Certified Coach
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Ornella Fazio
Vice President and Tech Sector Lead - Edelman
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Raffaella Geometrante
General Manager of Kyma SpA and Director of Kyma tehnologija doo
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Valentina Goglio
Admission & Recruitment Management Academy - POLIMI Graduate School of Management, Politecnico di Milano
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Antonella Grassigli
CEO & Co-founder of Doorway Benefit Company
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Linda Lastrico
Graduated in Bioengineering, PhD student in Cognitive Robotics, Interaction and Rehabilitation Technologies
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Maria Letizia Giorgetti
Associate Professor of Applied Economics, at the Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods of the University of Milan.
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Laura Liguori
Vice President of Women&Tech® and Partner at Portolano Cavallo
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Katjna Luna Liandra Lo Giudice
Head of Transformation & Change Management Office, Sky Italia
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Daniela Maira
Human Resources Director
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Alessandra Mandelli
Senior Lead, Italy Payroll - Kyndryl Italy
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Adele Melucci
Corporate Advisory Analyst, Banca Generali
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Claudia Omini
Event Manager Consultant
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Tiziana Pirola
PhD Student in Analysis of Social and Economic Processes, University of Milano-Bicocca
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Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

Learn from experience, learn from the future: how to network to share today's challenges and face the future, and how to set your own growth path Activities by reservation on site

09:35 - 10:20
Plenary Session - Skills of the future: women and work in the STEM field
Guests/Speakers: Valentina Goglio

With Alessandra Accogli, Carola Salvato, Maria Latella, and Valentina Goglio.

Moderated by Giulia Innocenzi.

11:25 - 12:05
Masterclass: Nuove opportunità di lavoro per i giovani
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