The community Women&Tech

Include tutti coloro che ci hanno accompagnato con la loro competenza e solidarietà dal 2007 come speakers, membri dell'Associazione e Tecnovisionarie.



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Loriana Abbruzzetti

Founder of Pandolea and manager of the 'Frantoio Abbruzzetti'

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Alessandra Accogli

CEO and Founder of Sinergy Flow S.r.l.

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Marco Accordi Rickards

Director Vigamus - The Video Game Museum of Rome

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Tram of Innovation
Stefano A. Cerri

Vice President R&D Didael KTS Distinguished Fellow; Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy Emeritus Professor of Informatics; LIRMM; University of Montpellier, …

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Raffaella Aghemo

Innovative Lawyer / AI & blockchain consultant / Co-Founder Iusintech

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Raziyeh Akbari

Assegnista di ricerca, Dipartimento di Scienze dei Materiali, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca

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Filippina Alagia

Head of Women in Business, Coldiretti Lombardia

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Lilia Alberghina

Full Professor at the Department of Biotechnologies and Biosciences of the University of Milan Bicocca

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Pietro Alberti

Technical Manager for educational robotics, CampuStore.

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Adriana Albini

Extraordinary Professor of General Pathology at the University of Milano-Bicocca

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Women Empowerment Program
Daniela Aleggiani

Vice President and Secretary General of the 3M Foundation - ETS

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Barbara Alemanni

Affiliate Professor of Banking and Insurance at SDA Bocconi School of Management.

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Sara Alemanno

Head of Marketing & Communication at Airlite

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Gabriella Alemanno

Director General of the Land and Real Estate Tax Agency.

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Jessica Alessi

Founder of the business community

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Vania Alessi

Founder of the business community

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Valentina Altamura

Network Engineering Professional - Fastweb

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Pina Amarelli

President of Amarelli Licorice.

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Anna Amati

Founder and Vice President of Meta Group Member of the Executive Committee of Italy Startup

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Giovanna Ambrosoli

President of the Dr. Ambrosoli Foundation

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Maria Ameli

Head of Corporate Finance, Real Estate, Art Advisory and Director of Club Deal Investment Banca Generali

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Nicoletta Ancona

Civic Aquarium Curator Hydrobiological Station

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Young Ambassadors
Elisa Angeletti

Graduating student at Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture

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Chiara Angeli

Sales & Marketing Director, Volvo Car Italy

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Eliminate the gender gap in the tech sector

Through partnerships and networking, events, mentorship, and training, Women&Tech aims to create an environment where women can excel and innovate in the tech sector.

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