Cecilia Zorzi

Cecilia Zorzi

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Heritage at the University of Trento

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Nuove opportunità di lavoro per i giovani
ELLE Active! 2023 - The new female leadership
Women&Tech® Young Ambassadors

I am Cecilia, I am 27 years old and I was born in Trento, although now it is difficult to identify a single place to call home. Despite being a lover of mathematics since my early school years, during the three years of high school I became passionate about humanistic disciplines, thanks to a teacher who made me discover the beauty of literature, art, and music.

After an enlightening trip to Rome, I enrolled in the Cultural Heritage faculty at the University of Trento, graduating in the historical-artistic field. Alongside my studies, I pursued another great interest of mine: sports, particularly sailing.

I started sailing at a very young age, when I was six years old, when my parents enrolled me in a sailing school on Lake Caldonazzo. There began my journey in youth classes, culminating in an Olympic campaign at the bow of the Nacra 17, a foiling catamaran that allows it to sail "flying" above the water. After years of activity on dinghies, boats designed for regattas near the coast, I became passionate about offshore sailing.

In the last two years, I have sailed both in small crews and with teams of 10-12 people, facing two non-stop laps around Italy in regattas. My dream is to cross the Atlantic solo, racing in the 2023 edition of the Mini Transat.

Along the journey that I will undertake working towards my goal, I would like to convey a message not only related to sports. In fact, my project is not driven solely by the desire to win, but also by the desire to follow in the footsteps of great explorers and adventurers like Amelia Earhart and Ellen MacArthur, to demonstrate how gender does not influence an individual's talent and will.

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