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Poster per l'evento intitolato Premio Internazionale Le Tecnovisionarie 2018

International Award The Technovisionaries 2018

21 May 2018
Poster per l'evento intitolato Premio Internazionale Le Tecnovisionarie 2018

International Prize The Technovisionaries® 2018

"Essere Digitali"

Creativity, Innovation, Technology

Revelations of talent, ingenuity, genius, intelligence, creativity, resourcefulness, inspiration,
imagination, intuition, inspiration, inventiveness. It is women who invent the future.

Awards Ceremony

Monday, May 21, 2018
7:30 pm - 11:00 pm

National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci"
Via Olona 6 bis, Milan

Special Guest
Mariya Gabriel , Digital Economy and Society, Commissioner, European Commission

Promoted by Women&Tech - Women and Technologies Association, the International Technovisionaries Award. ® is awarded annually to women who, in their professional activities, have demonstrated a vision, prioritizing social impact, transparency in behavior, and ethics.

They are the "Tech Visionaries" in the field of research, innovation, business, media, and culture.

Now in its twelfth edition, with the theme "Being Digital", the Prize boasts a Jury composed of qualified representatives from the thematic areas of the different competition categories, from the world of culture and communication.

Diana Bracco

Diana Bracco
President and CEO of the Bracco Group

Deborah Chiodoni

Deborah Chiodoni
Head of Press Office, National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci, Milan

Gianna Martinengo

Gianna Martinengo
President of Didael KTS and Founder of Women&Technologies

Franca Melfi

Franca Melfi
Director of the Multidisciplinary Robotic Surgery Center, University Hospital of Pisa

Patrizia Rutigliano

Patrizia Rutigliano
Executive Vice President Government Affairs, CSR and Communications SNAM

Federica Villa

Federica Villa
Head of the Presidency and Institutional Relations Chamber of Commerce of Milan

The award ceremony will take place on May 21 at the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci".

The evening will see the participation of decision-makers from the business, university, public administration, and personalities from the scientific, cultural, and media worlds.

For information and clarifications contact via email or by phone at 0230516019 (Organizational Secretariat)


Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

Digital Communities Award 2018
Guests/Speakers: Jessica Alessi Vania Alessi

Vania and Jessica Alessi, Founders of


Sisters in life and partners in work, their international experience combined with entrepreneurial spirit has led them to create one of the largest professional networks in Italy that values the role of executive assistants as bringers of value in the companies they work for. A unique network founded on shared work experiences and the sharing of knowledge, a space where creativity, expertise, and even hidden entrepreneurial skills are put to use. For the energy, passion, and determination they convey, but above all for having infected the world of work with #SecretaryPower!

Statement of the winners

Receiving the Technovisionary Award is a great honor for us. A personal satisfaction, even before a professional one, for our "vision" of 17 years ago: the creation of a community dedicated to Manager Assistants. We had the great privilege of meeting Gianna, thanks to a member of our network, and sharing her enlightened vision on the impact of digital and technology on society as a whole, as well as in companies, with particular attention to women. We listened with dedication to her testimonies and interventions at our meetings, along with those of some businesswomen who are part of the Women&Tech association, fully recognizing ourselves in every suggestion or analysis made. Technology has simplified processes and workflows, brought stimuli in the reorganization of executive tasks, and also redesigned the roles of the former Secretary. In a profoundly changed world of work, strongly desires to contribute to enhancing the growth and development of the role of executive assistants as carriers of value and innovation in companies. We prepare and help Assistants, ethically and professionally, to develop with pride and competence, modes of relationship, communication, and to act positively with colleagues, superiors, and third parties, fully exploiting their potential to the benefit of the organization. Because each of us is a fundamental part of the company ecosystem and in particular, assistants contribute with responsibility and proactivity to achieving results: they are now more than ever true business partners, technologically and digitally evolved.

Delivery of the award

Franco D'Alfonso, Counselor, Municipality of Milan

Cultural and Ethical Sustainability Award 2018
Guests/Speakers: Laura Biancalani

Laura Biancalani, General Director, Andrea Bocelli Foundation


A life spent in the Third Sector, a reality in which she has brought managerial expertise and great organizational skills. An important and relevant contribution today to support the development of a Third Sector increasingly aware of the strategic choices on which to invest in order to play a central role in the country, contributing to a sustainable Welfare over time and capable of improving the quality of life of people. Animated by the belief that doing good to others means also feeling better oneself, she is committed to projects that promote full inclusion of disadvantaged individuals and communities and the promotion of a society that reduces the barriers of poverty.

Declaration of the award-winning

This award means a lot to me, both personally and professionally. I am truly honored to be here and to be the focus of your attention, for the work done up to now. In the Third Sector, I have always been able to measure myself every day, nourish my values, and grow in my skills. I see my work as a great privilege, which gives me the invaluable opportunity to approach people's lives, trying to make a positive impact in their lives, through three key concepts: trust, sharing of paths and goals, organization. The mission of the Foundation I lead and strive to carry out is based on collaborative work, on working "with" and "for" people, on a concept of a living laboratory where everyone offers their small contribution and there is no one who supports and one who is supported, but every result is the result of shared work.

For this reason, I am grateful for this award and am happy to share it with every person, child, community with whom I have had the fortune to work, developing and trying to convey the concept of empowerment as the creation of opportunities for the expression of one's potential. Just as Andrea did with me, putting his hand on my shoulder at the beginning of this beautiful adventure."

Delivery of the award

Arianna Alessi, Vice President of the Only the Brave Foundation


Veronica Berti Bocelli, Vice President of the Andrea Bocelli Foundation

Robotics Award 2018
Guests/Speakers: Maria Chiara Carrozza

Maria Chiara Carrozza, Professor of Biorobotics, Area Leader of Neuro-Robotics – The Biorobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna


Renowned scientist, with a place in the international ranking of the top 25 women in robotics in 2017 compiled by Robohub, a pioneer in the field of Biorobotics and our institutional representative at the highest levels with the position of Minister for Education, University, and Research. She has shown attention to the relationship between robotics and society, committing herself at both a scientific, academic, and political level. Maria Chiara Carrozza has demonstrated competence and integrity in the various roles she has held. An example for the many girls who need positive role models to inspire them.

Declaration of the award-winning

I am very proud to have received the Technovisionary Award, because it is a recognition of the research activity as a biomedical and robotics engineer that I have carried out for many years, aimed at achieving results both in the scientific field and in the field of social innovation for the benefit of citizens and patients.

Delivery of the award

Diana Bracco, President and CEO of the Bracco Group

Video Games Award 2018
Guests/Speakers: Elisa Di Lorenzo

Elisa Di Lorenzo, Co-founder & CEO, Untold Games


For never having lost the desire to play and imagine worlds where real and virtual merge - a modern princess of Virtual Reality capable of blending the interactivity of video games with cinematic storytelling to unleash a narrative rich in emotions and immersive experience - and for demonstrating by example that software programming is not just for men. For the great ability to innovate in an extremely competitive market and for the determination to turn a dream and a passion into reality. For more recently continuing the path of innovation in the gaming sector with an experimental project that has received important international recognition and is leading to the development of a video game in collaboration with prestigious figures from the international scientific community (Terramars).

Statement from the award winner: Receiving the award was a bit unexpected for me, but certainly a welcome thing. All my work is fueled by a huge passion for what we do, and in every project we seek an opportunity to create something new and (hopefully) innovative. In my own small way, I hope that my experience can help girls who are hesitant to enter the field of video games, or other programming-related areas, to understand that they do not have to feel out of place, that these are not things "for men only".

Delivery of the award

Thalita Malagò, General Manager AESVI

Fintech Award 2018
Guests/Speakers: Doris Messina

Doris Messina, Open Banking Director, Banca Sella Group


She has made her way in the banking and financial sector with the strength of innovation, launching digital services ahead of time as a first mover, from the first payment systems for e-commerce to money transfers via smartphone, and even experimenting with blockchain as a large global accounting ledger for all types of transactions. For having contributed to changing the "way of banking" through the potential offered by fintech by intercepting the new needs arising from digital disruption.

Declaration of the award-winning

I am truly pleased with this recognition for my first 20 years dedicated to Fintech and banking technology, interpreted through a humanistic lens. This demonstrates that seemingly opposite skills, such as literary and technical ones, actually generate expertise suitable for competing in the future. Those who develop eclectic and articulated skills for the new professions of the digital and technological world will be increasingly successful.

Delivery of the award

Luca Valerio Camerano, CEO A2A

Industry 4.0 Award 2018
Guests/Speakers: Arianna Petra Fontana

Arianna Fontana, President of Confartigianato Milano


For having been able to add value to the craft sector, renewing knowledge and skills passed down through generations, which have made the Made in Italy recognizable worldwide, through the dissemination of a more impactful use of new technologies. For having been able to pragmatically implement the principles of Enterprise 4.0, thus contributing to fostering the beginning of the new digital Renaissance in the current economic context. For demonstrating an incessant work of support and assistance to Small and Medium Enterprises and for the constant development of digital craftsmanship, as an occupational perspective for young people and for enhancing the female contribution to the economic growth of the territories.

Declaration of the award-winning

I am honored to receive this recognition for various reasons.
First of all, because it is awarded by the Women and Technologies association which, as a courageous and pioneering example in Italy, has been working for many years to enhance female talent in the scientific and technological fields. In addition, the award confirms that in Confartigianato we had a good intuition by strenuously committing ourselves to tailor the suggestions and opportunities arising from ENTERPRISE 4.0 also to SMEs. Finally, I am happy and proud to have the opportunity to meet and engage with many capable women who have managed to assert their value without "acting like men" but rather drawing strength precisely from their being women.

Delivery of the award

Federica Villa, Head of the Presidency and Institutional Relations Chamber of Commerce of Milan

Digital Customer Experience Award 2018
Guests/Speakers: Paola Corna Pellegrini

Paola Corna Pellegrini, CEO Allianz Worldwide Partners


For making innovation a pillar of the company's growth by optimizing processes, investing in new platforms, and digitizing services without losing the centrality of the person. For the commitment to enhancing the role of women within the organization, promoting the professional growth of women by always paying attention to talent and merit, and promoting a real culture of inclusion in the workplace. Her "think positive" attitude accompanies her in the continuous search for improvement for herself and others.

Declaration of the award-winning

I am particularly flattered to have received this recognition that rewards years of effort in developing a culture of innovation within the company, of which I have always been a supporter. For us, customer experience involves a paradigm shift that today sees the triad of insurance, service, and technology at the base of all our offerings aimed at meeting and anticipating the needs of customers, Business Partners, or end consumers. Digitalization is a powerful enabler for our business, which consists of providing real-time solutions to a customer in need of help. The InnovationLab@AllianzPartners is one of the projects and methods that, through the involvement of all business functions and collaboration with the academic world, allows us to enrich our services with digital solutions for a better user experience, including for the new generations. The digitalization of processes has allowed us to improve our service level and also develop MyLight, a project involving about ten blind colleagues working at our operations center, thanks to a series of technological implementations that allow them to work exactly like other operators and carry out a core activity for our business with full satisfaction.

Delivery of the award

Patrizia Rutigliano, Executive Vice President Government Affairs, CSR and Communications at SNAM.

Media Award 2018
Guests/Speakers: Sarah Varetto

Sarah Varetto, Director of Sky TG24


Grown up in the strict Anglo-Saxon journalism school, she has distinguished herself in her career for her seriousness and competence in economic and personal finance information. Having reached the top of the network management, she opens up to new challenges in information: in-depth analysis, technology, and multimedia. She brings a winning vision of information, immediate and present, experimenting with new social channels as a tool for a real dialogue with viewers, transforming the role of the journalist from presenter to storyteller.

Declaration of the award-winning

I am pleased to receive this award and I share it symbolically with all the women and men who work with me: over the years we have been committed to renewing the way of doing information to meet and even anticipate change. Innovating language and themes, trying to make the presentation of news clearer - but also deeper - and moving away from old models to report on politics, the economy, focusing on epochal events that are more or less rapidly changing our society and our planet. Addressing these phenomena by confronting data, facts and opinions of experts, avoiding talk show words. These innovations have been made possible by maximizing new technologies, to reach all our viewers through all means, from traditional TV to the web and to the interactivity of SkyQ, and to interact with our audience, listen to all opinions but also collect and report news from every place. However, with technology also come new challenges, and we are committed to also reporting on the risks created by those who exploit our personal data or arising from the lack of verified and shared information, regulations.

But innovation is not just technology, it does not exist without people; that is why it is important to ensure safe spaces of expression for creativity and ingenuity, giving equal opportunities to women and all individuals who are not yet represented in decision-making positions, and who are committed to creating and working. When companies have within management or production individuals who represent the diverse souls of our society, they can truly understand and fulfill the desires of the consumer (and the citizen) to propose alternative and innovative solutions, to offer products and services tailored for the future, and also to contribute to the development of a better society.

Delivery of the award

Luciano Carbone, Chief Corporate Officer, SEA

Special Award PA 2018
Guests/Speakers: Roberta Cocco

Roberta Cocco, Councillor for Digital Transformation and Civic Services, Municipality of Milan


For its contribution to an institution that the entire Italy looks up to and is inspired by for its identity as a European capital, where tradition and innovation coexist in constant dynamism. For the tireless work of evangelization on digital issues as an opportunity to improve the lives of citizens, culminating in the creation of the first "week" dedicated to the production and dissemination of innovation and technology that has shown the digital heart of the city that feeds its economic and social fabric. Because digital transformation means putting the citizen at the center of attention.

Declaration of the award-winning

When I started working in the innovation sector, women could be counted on the fingers of one hand. I was young, just graduated and coming from a humanities background. Almost three decades later, I find myself on this stage holding an award as a "technovisionary": a definition that reflects my life, not just my work. I took my first steps in the world of technology in a multinational company that was able to see "beyond", which taught me to expand my boundaries and imagine a future where digital would be increasingly present in our lives. After 25 years of challenges - some lost but many won - I decided to accept the invitation of Mayor Giuseppe Sala to accelerate the digital transformation of Milan. A new, exciting challenge that has been captivating me for almost two years and allows me to impact the lives of citizens by putting them at the center of the innovative actions of the Municipality of Milan. The goal is to make the lives of all Milanese people easier thanks to the use of technology. Today, for many people, this is still a utopia: I do not deny it, there is still much to be done. But as a good "technovisionary" and incurable optimist, I work every day to try to transform the near future into our present.

Delivery of the award

Anna Scotti

Special Europe Prize 2018
Guests/Speakers: Mariya Gabriel

Mariya Gabriel, Digital Economy and Society Commissioner, European Commission


She is the youngest European Commissioner elected so far and has been voted with a large majority. For her vision of a Europe leading in the digital economy and her commitment to developing measures that accelerate and enhance the digital transition of our continent; for her great attention to security, privacy respect, and information accuracy; for putting citizens, businesses, and society at the center of the digital economy.

Declaration of the award-winning

It is a true honor to receive this award. I am proud to be recognized as a "Tech Visionary" in my field and to be part of a community of women and men who share a strategic vision for the rapidly evolving digital world we live in. We have recently achieved some significant results for the digital transformation of our economy and society. Now we need to join forces to ensure that this is a success for the benefit of all citizens.

It is a real honor to receive this award. I am proud to be recognized as a Tecnovisionaria in my field, to be part of a community of women and men who share a strategic vision for our rapidly evolving digital world. We have recently achieved some significant milestones for the digital transformation of our economy and society. We need to join forces to make it a success that benefits all our citizens.

Delivery of the award

Patrizia Toia, Vice Chair of ITRE, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, European Parliament

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