
Bachelor's degree in Business Administration after which, at 35 years old, thanks to an LBO operation, she becomes a partner and then President of one of the leading companies at the national level in the urban water treatment sector.

He dedicated himself to the development of Saceccav Spa for almost 15 years, which he sold in 2014 to a well-known group active in the sector. He later co-founded Iride Acque SB Srl, developing nanotechnology for the treatment of industrial effluents and their reuse, thus reducing the water footprint of its customers. After being CEO of the company, he is now President of the Strategic Board. "Starting to deal with environmental issues many years ago was not a choice, it just happened; today, however, I have chosen to do so because I am absolutely convinced of the importance that the protection of such a precious asset as water represents for all of us," she said in 2020 when she received the Circular Economy Technovisionary Award from Women & Tech Association Women and Technologies, of which she has proudly been a part since then.

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