Layla Pavone

Layla Pavone

Coordinator of the Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation Board of the Municipality of Milan

Participate in:

MIND THE GAP: together for the City of the future
The values ​​of Safer Internet Day: protect, empower, respect
Digital passion: dreams, experiences, results

Coordinator of the Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation Board of the Municipality of Milan
Co-Founder, Co-Director of the Master's in Digital Communication Specialist at UNA/Almed - Catholic University
Honorary President of IAB Italy

Graduated in Political Science, she attended the first Italian Master in Corporate Communication and New Technologies "Lucrezio Lab" in 1988.

In 1995 he contributes to the birth and development of the start-up Video Online, the first Internet Service Provider in Italy. In 1997 at Publikompass he creates the first online advertising concessionaire. From 2000 to 2014 he worked in the Dentsu Aegis Media Group, as CEO of Isobar Italy and iProspect. From 2014 to 2021 at Digital Magics, a start-up incubator, he held the position of Executive Board member and Chief Innovation Marketing & Communication Officer.

She is a co-founder, co-director, and adjunct professor of the UNA-Almed / Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Master's program "Digital Communication Specialist". Honorary President of IAB Italia and founder of the IAB Forum, the most important Italian event dedicated to communication and digital innovation.

Since January 2022, he has been leading the Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation Board of the Municipality of Milan.

She received the Excellence Manager Italy Award in 2008 and the NC Award Communication Ambassador Award in 2010.

He has written numerous articles and given speeches in national and international institutional contexts dedicated to Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation.

She is the co-author of several books dedicated to the evolution of digital technologies, including the book "The advertising of the future" published by Hoepli.

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