Ilaria Macrì

Ilaria Macrì

Innomotics - Area Sales Director

Participate in:

Women Empowerment Program 2024
Women Empowerment Program 2023

At Siemens for 15 years. From the plant division (Marketing & Sales, Mergers & Acquisitions, New market development), to the product division (Business Unit Electrical Product), and finally to Sales.

Of Valtellinese origin, I studied classical guitar at the Conservatory and obtained a diploma in theory and solfege, a degree in Management Engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan, and a Master's in Strategic Marketing at INSEAD.

I started my career 26 years ago, always in large multinational groups: Beckman Analytical and Jannsen Cilag (J&J group), General Electric (Italy Germany Netherlands), ABB (Italy and Switzerland) and finally in Siemens. In General Electric Technical Leadership Program TLP Certified, 6 Sigma Black Belt Certified, I worked in Italy and Germany in European contexts, also with P&L responsibilities. At ABB I worked at HQ Zurich in Customer Segmentation & Account Management and then personally followed the implementation in Italy.

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