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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Tram dell'Innovazione 2020"

Tram of Innovation 2020

26 May 2020
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Tram dell'Innovazione 2020"

Women & Tech-Association Women and Technologies renews, for the third consecutive year, its presence at the Milan Digital Week, giving life to "The Innovation Tram" in digital version.

With the payoff "Don't miss the digital tram... for real" , this year too the Association led by President Gianna Martinengo invites citizens to reflect on digital issues, not on the historic Milanese tram, but online (so will also be the entire Milan Digital Week), to comply with the social distancing rules imposed by Phase 2 of the Covid-19 emergency.

This edition of the Tram will be dedicated to the sharing of open experiences (open innovation, open access, open source). The themes that will be addressed along the way will be: Mobility, Open Data, Fintech, Green Sharing, Intelligence (Artificial), Smart Cities, Hospital 4.0, Sustainability, Ecosystems. In addition, there will be interventions related to talents for the future (skills and start-ups).

Several new features accompany the third edition of the Digital Tram.

  • The event will be broadcasted live for three days on Facebook and YouTube, in collaboration with the social channels of the partners involved. The videos will then be available on demand for those who wish to delve deeper into a particular topic.
  • Important will be the tools that will be used to ensure two sessions in the morning and two in the afternoon for three days, all live, for a total of 12 hours of broadcast.
  • The event will be moderated by Debora Rosciani, journalist for Radio 24 Il Sole 24 Ore. Users will be able to ask their questions to the speakers during the live broadcasts.

For information and questions to the speakers, write to

Review the live talks of the Innovation Tram

Below you will find recordings of all sessions. To select the session of your interest, simply click on the button. in the top right corner of the player.


Stefano A. Cerri
Vice President R&D Didael KTS Distinguished Fellow; Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy Emeritus Professor of Informatics; LIRMM; University of Montpellier, …
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Andrea Barbieri
Business Developer, Banca Generali
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Ida Cacciapaglia
Social Media Manager, Homepal
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Luca Cavalletto
Asset Management Manager Unareti
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Davide Cervellin
Chief Marketing & Data Officer at Telepass S.p.A.
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Palma Cusenza
Junior Banker, Banca Generali
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Mariagrazia Del Vescovo
Senior Account Executive, HERE Technologies
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Giulia Di Capua
Specialista in Investimenti Privati in Equity presso Banca Generali
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Mario Dotti
Independent and neutral mediator
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Lara Ferraro
Sr LDI Analyst @ Here Technologies
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Nicola Giudice
Head of the Conciliation Service of the Arbitration Chamber of Milan
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Paola Gualtieri
3M R&D Operational Leader - Product Stewardship & Sustainability SEE Region
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Donato Luongo
Account Manager Executive, Faber System
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Simone Marchetti
Digital Supply Chain Sales Development Manager Italy, ORACLE
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Alberto Martinelli
President of the AEM Foundation - A2A Group
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Franca Melfi
Director of the Multispecialty Robotic Surgery Center, Pisa University Hospital
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Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

10:00 - 11:00
Components and functions in intelligence (artificial)
Guests/Speakers: Stefano A. Cerri
Stefano A. Cerri - Vice President R&D Didael KTS - Distinguished Fellow; Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy - Emeritus Professor of Informatics; LIRMM; Un. Montpellier, France The contribution on AI (Artificial Intelligence) focuses on the difference between components and functions of intelligent systems. The word artificial is in parentheses because AI deals with understanding natural intelligence and simulating it artificially in machines. On an application level, the web is full of commercial advertising that impresses by describing what applications do and why they do it, almost never explaining how they do it. AI is part of Computer Science: its successes can represent great opportunities - if used ethically - or become a threat. That's why it seems current to understand the prevailing "hows" in AI research, i.e., in the possible applications in the coming years; distinguishing components from functions. In the symbolic approach, we find knowledge representation, reasoning, diagnosis, planning, semantic web with ontologies, constraint programming, distributed multi-agent systems, collective intelligence, emotions and creativity, natural language and dialogue, robotics, ...; in the sub-symbolic approach, very popular today with neural networks, we find learning and pattern recognition, but also natural language, speech recognition, vision.

11:30 - 12:30
Blockchain explained to grandma
Guests/Speakers: Demetrio Migliorati
Demetrio Migliorati , Innovation manager & Head of Blockchain Program, Banca Mediolanum We have long heard about blockchain and cryptocurrencies, but what exactly is a blockchain and how can it affect my everyday life? What are cryptocurrencies and why are they so important? And what is Italy doing to dominate this technology? What can I expect to happen in the near future in the world of banks and insurance companies? What other application spaces exist? Who is using it?

14:00 - 15:00
Mediation to restart in a smart and sustainable way
Guests/Speakers: Nicola Giudice Mario Dotti

Milan Chamber of Arbitration

Nicola Giudice - Mario Dotti

The search for sustainability finds a very strong ally in mediation, because sustainability means balancing interests and making objectives complementary. This can only happen through effective dialogue, careful listening to mutual needs, and a shared search for efficient and practical solutions for everyone. If a tool had been designed in the laboratory to "create" sustainability, the result would probably have been mediation. Sustainable choices also concern the present, especially in the current health emergency. Contracts to be renegotiated, commercial relationships to be cared for, problems to be solved, new paths to be found. Innovation is needed, and quickly. The situation we are experiencing today teaches us that innovation is not only something that is sought, but that we may also find ourselves suddenly having to manage it. Mediation can be an efficient and immediate response, and it can also be thanks to digital technology.

15:30 - 16:30
Telepass and Mobility
Guests/Speakers: Davide Cervellin
Davide Cervellin , Chief Marketing & Data Officer at Telepass S.p.A. "What will be the future of mobility once we have learned to coexist with the new needs and models dictated by Covid19? At Telepass, we have a clear vision: our mobility will be Green thanks to our electric sharing services, Safe thanks to our insurance products, Clean thanks to our cashless payment methods and sanitization services. And these are just a few examples. But above all, by working with a focus increasingly devoted to data-driven and personalization, we offer the right answer, at the right time to each of our customers." These and other topics will be discussed by Telepass Chief Marketing & Data Officer, Davide Cervellin, during his speech at Tram Innovazione.

10:00 - 11:00
Milan smart city, technological innovation applied to services
Guests/Speakers: Marco Turchini
Intelligent projects and applications in the city: from metering to trash cans, from parking to security, Milan is already a smart city, we tell about our achievements in the city. Marco Turchini, CEO of A2A SmartCity

11:30 - 12:30
The data and digital technologies for sustainable mobility

Mariagrazia Del Vescovo , Here Technologies, Channel Sales Manager, Automotive

Lara Ferraro , HERE Technologies, Senior Local Data Intelligence Analyst

Simone Marchetti, Oracle, Director of Business Development Digital Supply Chain

HERE Technologies and Oracle. Two important technological innovation companies committed to creating solutions and services that help improve the lives of citizens and the business of companies. At the core of their strategies are data, the DNA of any type of digital innovation. Who are the two companies and how do they produce, manage, and use data while respecting security and privacy, and how do these data contribute to creating useful tools even in critical periods and situations, always with a focus on sustainable mobility.

14:00 - 15:00
Digital Transformation and Sustainability
Guests/Speakers: DOnato Luongo

Donato Luongo, Account Manager Executive, Faber System

How digital transformation of critical business processes, such as invoicing, management of delivery notes, personnel records, etc., not only increases efficiency and competitiveness of companies, but also significantly contributes to sustainability by reducing paper consumption, enabling collaborative work without the need to travel, and exchanging contractual documents with electronic signatures remotely.

15:30 - 16:30
The science of security
Guests/Speakers: Paola Gualtieri
When it comes to safety for people, in this period, the mind goes to masks and respirators but protecting workers every day is the commitment that 3M has taken on for many decades. To ensure that the devices can be effective, research on the most appropriate technologies has never stopped; it can certainly be said that science once again is applied to our lives. Together, we will take a journey through the technologies, materials, and appropriate uses of respiratory protection for individuals.

10:00 - 11:00
The networks at the service of citizens

Greetings from Professor Alberto Martinelli , President of Fondazione AEM - Gruppo A2A

Luca Cavalletto, Asset Management Manager at Unareti

The distribution networks of electricity and gas are the backbone of all the services and activities that take place daily in the city. Their history is not recent, dating back to the beginning of the last century with the first electrifications and gasification of Milan. Over the years, the laying of "cables and pipes" has accompanied the growth and expansion of Milan, ensuring the evolution of the first true Italian Metropolis. This very rapid evolution has required operators to integrate all infrastructures in the best possible way, as we will see during our journey the important nodes of the networks, such as electrical and gas cabins, located near our homes and offices, but perfectly integrated to ensure minimal visual impact. In this important historical moment, in which there is increasing talk of energy transition, some examples will be given that describe how the networks (Smart Grids) will allow us to have a greener future by enabling technologies such as electric mobility (like the tram we are on), the use of biofuels, and even the possibility of storing energy produced by renewable energy production plants.

11:30 - 12:30
Sustainability and resilience: good technology must be for everyone or it is not good. Real cases to replicate.
Guests/Speakers: Guido Porro

Professors Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee of MIT coined the term 'Second Machine Age' in 2014 in their successful book describing the explosion of digital technologies and the significant consequences on global productivity, at least equivalent to the First Industrial Revolution. This led to the spread of technological buzzwords and acronyms with varying degrees of success: AI, IoT, Industry 4.0, Machine Learning, Big Data, ... but what is the core of this digital revolution beyond short-lived technological trends? Technological platforms are the answer, with their ability to democratize technology, spread it, and make it accessible outside the narrow hyper-specialized circles of elite universities and innovation centers. There are many cases like Canoo, Eviation, Lightyear that demonstrate how, thanks to the use of innovative Technological Platforms, small groups of highly motivated serial innovators can intercept new sustainability and resilience themes with unimaginable business models until a few years ago. Let's meet them together in a quick and 'reasoned' overview.

14:00 - 15:00
Hospital 4.0: Technological evolution in robotic surgery
Guests/Speakers: Sara Ricciardi Franca Melfi

Sara Ricciardi, Researcher at the University of Pisa.

To date, lung cancer is the most common neoplasm and the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. The increasing technical and technological innovations have allowed the development and spread of minimally invasive surgical approaches in the treatment of this neoplasm, ensuring optimal oncological results for the patient with undeniable aesthetic and functional advantages. In particular, the robotic platform, which provides the surgeon with highly technological instrumentation and systems, allows for the minimally invasive execution of even complex procedures.

15:30 - 16:30
Banca Generali's initiatives to support the real economy
Banca Generali is currently involved in several projects with a strong impact on the real Italian economy; initiatives that see it as a protagonist on various fronts and united by the ultimate goal of supporting and enhancing the Italian entrepreneurial fabric, thus playing an active role in the development of the Italian ecosystem. After a brief overview of the initiatives that see the Bank at the forefront of the country's recovery and a focus on a short-term innovative investment program on the market, the testimonies of Ida Cacciapaglia, for Homepal, and Marco Mottolese, for Foorban.
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