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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Pillole formative di Coach-Ing"

Training pills of Coaching

18 May 2021
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Pillole formative di Coach-Ing"

18th and 25th of May - Online event reserved for members

What are the boundaries and frontiers of COACH-ING? How does the Coach-Ing model originate and how does it differ from commonly understood coaching and other methodologies of personal support?

Not just a play on words but a real game, between method and experience, input and output, stimulus and reaction, practice and experimentation. A game made of rules, commitment, teams and teammates, levels and steps to overcome in order to reach the final goal. But above all, Coach-Ing is a game that is played together and together we win!

A proper name that identifies a precise model, describing a development methodology that integrates the strategic approach of coaching and the systemic and programmatic method of engineering, triggering and stimulating awareness of personal tools and strategies, and leading each of us and our "teammates" towards personal and professional growth.

An integrated, adaptable, and transversal model that, through our personal skills and technical competencies, gives rise to a system of personalized, original, and applicable resolution in companies.

Valentina Goglio will interview Viviana Callea, creator of the COACH-ING model, in a generative conversation where all participants will have the opportunity to be stimulated and activate their own "I will" for the subsequent meeting dedicated to experiences and sharing of concrete practices of COACH-ING in companies and universities.

From coachee to coach, from communicator to leader, we all have the potential and capabilities to enhance our resources and achieve concrete professional and personal goals.

It is evident how the value of a company is directly proportional to that of its greatest asset: its people.

Enhancing one's resources is the factor that makes the difference: Coaching is not a filling action, like training, but it serves to enhance something that is already there, it is a method to respond to continuous changes and lead each individual to develop greater awareness and a concrete personal and professional realization consistent with their values and goals.

To participate, it is necessary to register for free online.

The event takes place on the platform ZOOM .

If you don't have Zoom, you can download it for free for your PC, Mac, iPhone/iPad, or Android device.


Viviana Callea
Engineer and Professional Certified Coach
Visit the speaker's page
Valentina Goglio
Admission & Recruitment Management Academy - POLIMI Graduate School of Management, Politecnico di Milano
Visit the speaker's page
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