Francesco Visioli

Laboratory of Functional Foods, IMDEA-Food, Madrid.

Il Prof. Francesco Visioli si è laureato in Chimica e Tecnologia Farmaceutica all’Universita’ di Milano ed ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca in Biotecnologie all’Universita’ di Brescia.  Attualmente e’ Chief Investigator presso l’Istituto Madrileno di Studi Avanzati (IMDEA)-alimentazione. Dal 2006 al 2010 e’ stato ordinario di fisiopatologia presso l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6 (Parigi), dove ha diretto il laboratorio di “Micronutrienti e malattie cardiovascolari”. Francesco Visioli e’ anche Faculty al College of Pharmacy della Oregon State University, dove ha passato lunghi periodi di studio.

Le aree di ricerca del Prof. Visioli riguardano lo studio degli antiossidanti naturali (flavonoidi, polifenoli), in relazione alla patologia cardiovascolare su base aterosclerotica, e gli acidi grassi essenziali della serie omega 3.  In particolare, il gruppo di ricerca cui afferiva Francesco Visioli ha scoperto ed elucidato le attivita’ biologiche e farmacologiche dei componenti fenolici dell’olio d’oliva, conducendo anche studi nell’uomo.
Il Prof. Visioli e’ autore di oltre 200 pubblicazioni scientifiche, oltre la meta’ delle quali e’ comparsa su riviste internazionali con peer review, e di monografie. Tali pubblicazioni sono state citate circa 5600 volte. Ad oggi, il Prof. Visioli e’ stato invitato circa 70 volte a meeting nazionali ed internazionali.
Editor-in-Chief di Pharmacological Research e di PharmaNutrition, Associate Editor di Lipids e di Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty il Prof. Visioli e’ anche membro del Consiglio Direttivo dell’International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL), di cui ha diretto la rivista. Attualmente e’ Leader della Divisione Grassi e Salute Umana dell’organizzazione Eurofed Lipid.

Francesco Visioli earned a degree in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of Milan and a PhD in Biotechnology from the University of Brescia. After being Full Professor of physiopathology at the UR4 of the Université Paris 6 “Pierre et Marie Curie”, where he directed the “Micronutrients and cardiovascular disease” unit, he is now Senior Investigator at the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies (IMDEA)-Food. He is also Assistant Professor at the College of Pharmacy, Oregon State University. After being involved in neurochemistry, Dr. Visioli’s research currently concerns essential fatty acids, namely those of the omega 3, and series natural antioxidants, as related to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.  In particular, Dr. Visioli’s group discovered the biological and pharmacological properties of olive oil phenolics, including hydroxytyrosol. In addition, Dr. Visioli is being studying bioactive components of plant foods, including lycopene from tomato and biophenols from wild greens. His research ranges from in vitro studies of bioactivity (test tubes, cell cultures) to in vivo tests, performed on laboratory animals and/or humans. Dr Visioli has a publication record of approximately 200 papers and book chapters, which have been cited over 5200 times. He gave invited lectures in over 70 meetings. As related to nutrition and human health, Dr. Visioli created a method to evaluate the nutritional profile of foods (, which was published in 2007 and field-tested in 2009.

Dr. Visioli has been member of the Board of Directors of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL), and is member of EFSA’s expert database and of several learned societies. Currently, Dr. Visioli is the Editor-in-Chief of Pharmacological Research and of PharmaNutrition, Associate Editor of Lipids and of Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, in addition to being a member of the Editorial Board of several other journals. Currently, Dr. Visioli is Leader of the Fats and Human Health division of Eurofed Lipid.