Barbara Nicoli

Marketing Director Italy, Nexi

Barbara è responsabile Marketing per il mondo carte e pagamenti digitali per l’Italia, sia per il mercato Consumer che Commercial. E’ entrata in Nexi nel 2018, lanciando un nuovo dipartimento di Customer Centricity, a cui è seguita un’esperienza nell’area Commerciale nella gestione del Commercial Planning e dei processi di integrazione post M&A.
Prima di Nexi, Barbara ha sviluppato una profonda esperienza in Accenture strategy e in Maersk Line, come Board Member e responsabile della gestione operativa del centro Europa dei trasporti marittimi.
Principali competenze nei settori Telco Media & Technology, Digital Payments, Logistics and Shipping: Digital Transformation, Strategy, Marketing, Post Merger Integration, Customer Value Growth and Customer Experience, Operational Excellence.
Originaria di Bergamo, Italy, ama gli sport, giocare a tennis ed è appassionata di viaggi, conoscere culture differenti e innovazione.

Barbara is the Marketing Director for Nexi Group leading cards and digital payments consumer and commercial proposition in the italian market.
Barbara joined Nexi in 2018, launching a new Customer Centricity department, followed by Commercial planning and post M&A transformation projects.
Prior to Nexi, Barbara had a deep experience in Accenture Strategy, focusing on Telco Media & Technology in the italian and international landscape and in Maersk Line, leading global shipping company. She served as Board Member and Customer Operations Director in the Central Mediterranean area.
Main areas of expertise in Telco Media & Technology, Digital Payments, Logistics and Shipping: Digital Transformation, Strategy, Marketing, Post Merger Integration, Customer Value Growth and Customer Experience, Operational Excellence.
Originally from Bergamo, Italy. In her free time, she loves sports, playing tennis and she is passionate about travelling, knowing different cultures and innovation.