Paola Sangiovanni

Socio Studio Legale Gitti And Partners

Paola offre assistenza legale a società multinazionali da 20 anni. Si occupa di diritto societario, commerciale e regolatorio, con particolare focalizzazione nei settori delle life sciences e delle nuove tecnologie.
Dopo la laurea, con lode, all'Università di Milano, Paola ha ricevuto una borsa di studio Fulbright per frequentare un Master in legge presso la University of California at Berkeley nel 1997.
Dopo aver lavorato in un grande studio internazionale per diversi anni, nel 2008 Paola ha partecipato alla fondazione della boutique “ITALY LEGAL FOCUS”. Dal 2017 è diventata socia dello studio legale GITTI AND PARTNERS.
Nel 2012 le è stato conferito il titolo di “Life Science Professional of the Year” dalla rivista "Lawyers Monthly".

Paola has been providing legal assistance to multinational corporations for 20 years. She is a transactional counsel with a thorough understanding of regulatory issues affecting companies active in life sciences and new technologies.
After graduating in law at the University of Milan with honors, she received a Fulbright scholarship and obtained an LL.M. from the University of California at Berkeley in 1997.
Paola practiced within a large international law firm for several years. In 2008 Paola co-founded the boutique law firm “ITALY LEGAL FOCUS”, an independent firm based in Milan. She joined GITTI AND PARTNERS in 2017.
In 2012 she was awarded with the title of “Life Science Professional of the Year” for Italy by the legal journal Lawyers Monthly.

competenza, team, ironia
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