Nik Nailah Binti Abdullah

Associate Professor, GRACE center, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo

Information Systems Architecture Research Division, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan. La giovane ricercatrice (30 anni), nata in Malesia, che ha studiato prima a Singapore, poi in Francia all’Università di Montpellier e che ora lavora in Giappone, offre un approccio nuovo e suggestivo al mondo ICT. Nella sua relazione analizza come esista un nuovo modo di accostarsi al Web, unendo discipline diverse e apparentemente lontane come l’ingegneria, le neuroscienze, la psicologia, la sociologia, l’etica, l’arte e l’antropologia.   Information Systems Architecture Research Division, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan. A young researcher (30 years old), born in Malaysia. She studied in Singapore, then in France at Montpellier University, and now works in Japan, offering a new, striking approach to ICT. In her report she will be analysing a new approach to the web, uniting different and seemingly unconnected disciplines such as engineering, neurosciences, psychology, sociology, ethics, art and anthropology.