Giulia Veronesi

Specialista in Chirurgia Generale e in Chirurgia Toracica, ha eseguito il suo training in chirurgia toracica presso l'Istituto Europeo di Oncologia di Milano e, a Parigi, presso l'Istituto Mutualiste Montsouris.

E’ stata inoltre Visiting Physician presso la Cornell University di New York, Mount Sinai Hospital e Memorial Sloan Kattering Cancer Center.

Dall’aprile del 2015 è Responsabile dell’Unità di Chirurgia Robotica presso la Divisione di Chirurgia Toracica e Chirurgia Generale del Humanitas Research Hospital di Milano.

Precedentemente, tra il 2009 e il 2015, è stata Responsabile della Prevenzione e della Diagnosi Precoce presso la Divisione di Chirurgia Toracica dell'Istituto Europeo di Oncologia e, dal 2006, ha sviluppato un programma di chirurgia robotica per le malattie toraciche, eseguendo più di 310 interventi chirurgici robotici presso l'Istituto Europeo di Oncologia e l’Istituto Clinico Humanitas.

Ha inoltre assunto la posizione di Proctor di Chirurgia Robotica presso l’Ospedale Universitario di Ginevra e in diversi centri italiani e coordinato, dal 2004, un ampio programma del tumore al polmone (COSMOS 1 e 2) con Tc spirale e marcatori molecolari.

Le è stata affidata la funzione di investigatore principale di due studi di farmaco prevenzione, finanziati dal National Cancer Institute americano, con lo scopo di valutare il ruolo della Budesonide per via inalatoria e il ruolo dell’Aspirina per via orale nella riduzione di noduli polmonari pretumorali riscontrati con la Tc di screening.

Membro fondatore della società scientifica Clinical Robotic Surgical Association e membro del Prevention/early Detection Committee of the International Association on Study of Lung Cancer, è anche membro attivo di varie società scientifiche tra cui la European Society of Medical Oncology e la European Society of Thoracic Surgery.

Ha pubblicato più di 168 articoli su riviste internazionali ed eseguito 90 presentazioni come invited speaker in diverse conferenze in tutto il mondo.

Istitutional /Hospital affiliation since April 2015: Chief  Robotic Surgery Unit at the Division of Thoracic and General Surgery, Humanitas Research Hospital , Rozzano, Via Manzoni 56, 20089 Rozzano, Milan

Previous position: she was chief of prevention and early Detection at  the Thoracic Surgery Division Unit of the European Institute of Oncology from 2009 to 2015.

Dr. Giulia Veronesi  is specialist in General Surgery (2000 at University of Milan) and in Thoracic Surgery (2006 at University of Modena). She trained in thoracic surgery in Milan, at the European Institute of Oncology,  and in  Paris at the Institute Mutualiste  Montsouris. She was visiting physician in New York  at Cornell University, Mount Sinai Hospital and Memorial Sloan Kattering Cancer Center.

Since 2006 she developed a program of robotic surgery for thoracic diseases and performed more than 310 robotic surgical procedures at European Institute of Oncology and Humanitas Research Hospital. She  has been proctor of robotic surgery in Geneve Huniversity Hospital and in different Italian centers.

Since 2004 she  has led one of the largest European lung cancer screening programs (the COSMOS 1 and 2) using low dose Computer Thomography  and molecular markers in high risk individuals. 

She is Principal investigator of different NCI-supported trials focused mainly on lung cancer chemoprevention including the ongoing randomized double-blind phase II cancer prevention trial comparing daily aspirin with placebo in persons with sub-solid nodules on LDCT. 

She is founding member of the Clinical Robotic Surgical Association (CRSA) and member of the Prevention/early Detection Committee of the International  Association on Study of Lung Cancer. She is also active member of the European Society of Medical Oncology and faculty member of European Society of Thoracic Surgery (ESTS). She is associate editor at Frontiers of Oncology,  ecancer medical journal and Lung cancer. She is reviewer for Ann Internal Medicine, American Journal of  Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

She has been an invited speaker at more than 90 national and international conferences in particular as expert in the field of lung cancer prevention, lung cancer early detection and robotic minimally invasive thoracic surgery.

She is first author or coauthor of 165 papers  on international peer reviewed journals and authors of 8 book chapters with an HI of 30 and IF of 568.